On Wednesday, Kaden will be given vincristine, the last chemo drug for this round, being round 7. This drug in particular has caused Kaden to loose a significant amount of strength in his legs. Kaden went from being a happy 7 year old winning races at school, partaking in weekly swimming lessons, playing Auskick in the winter time, running around the park and swimming at the beach with his friends to struggling to walk a couple of metres. As a parent this is heart breaking to see, however we know that to get Kaden better, this drug needs to be given. Over the next few months, we will be working closely with a physio so that we can help Kaden achieve his goal of running again. Today was our first appointment with the physio. At the beginning of the appointment, Kaden was not willing to co-operate, he was very grumpy from the ‘finger prick’ (blood test) and had the mind set that the physio wouldn’t have any toys or activities that he would be interested in. After a bit of a discussion and convincing, Kaden eventually gave in and went to investigate. Much to Kaden’s surprise, he found gym equipment and with the help of his physio, created a circuit which he then decided to do. Watching Kaden take it in his stride and climb the equipment without delay was awesome!
I know we say this often but we want to again thank everyone for their ongoing support and help that we are receiving 🙂