Quite a lot has happenned since last Wednesday (18/2/15) when Kaden’s cancer was first diagnosed.
Kaden had a biopsy done on Friday (20/2/15) , where they took tissue from his liver for further examinaton to understand how he can best be treated. During this operation they also placed the catheter/port in his neck for use during his chemotheropy treatment. This operation lasted longer than expected, and was an anxious time for all the family.
After the biopsy, the plan was to send Kaden home for the weekend, and for him to come back on Monday to commence his treatment. Unfortunately Kaden was not very well after the operation, and was in a lot of pain, and was very uncomfortable. Once they managed his pain, he started to feel a little better. However, he was still unwell, and it was also discovered that he had a collapsed lung, and was running a fever! After receiving a dose of antibiotics, and with the loving support of the family, the brave little man is recovering from this.
With no time to was
te now, Kaden’s chemotheropy treatment began today, and his road to recovery begins!
We are stillĀ awaiting the results from the biopsy (to understand the exact form of cancer and how it is best to be treated), and have been told that this may take up to 8-10 days.
Attached is a photo a Kaden today with his Dad(Lee), where he managed to get some time outside, and he even managed a smile for the camera!
Donations and Support
The family has been completely been completely overwhelmed with donations and positive messages of love and support from people far and wide made through the “mycause” website. At the time of writing this message over 200 donations had been made!
Thanks so much to everyone. This means so much to the family. Please keep those positive messages coming in!
Keep fighting Kaden, we are all right behind you!