Early this morning we were preparing for Kaden to go under again for his biopsy. Just before lunch I received a call from his doctor advising that Kaden’s numbers have finally reached normal levels & the biopsy was cancelled! I was so overwhelmed with the news (while standing in Coles) that I burst into tears. We’ve been waiting so long to hear this as its a massive step to us going home! We’re now just waiting on doing an echo so that oncology can decide which type of chemo will be administered for his last round!
So happy to hear that news too. Love to all
Absolutely brilliant news!..xx
Yay! That is brilliant news. Myself and the kids have been following Kaden’s progress through this blog and I am just in awe of how brave Kaden has been and how well you are all keeping it together as a family. I hope 2016 is much nicer to you all than 2015. Sending you all our best wishes, Kym, Ursula and Frank Bullen
This is absolutely wonderful news! Thank God ♡ xx