The last couple of days the boys have been back at school which has helped keep them busy. They have been doing painting, making lava lamps for science, doing arts and crafts and lots of other fun activities. It is taking the boys a little while to settle in but with each coming day they seem to be warming up to the idea of being back at school.

Kaden is getting stronger and stronger each day. He is still tackling the stairs and even managed to do a little run inside the apartment with a big smile on his face.Ā This is a huge improvement on the strength in his legs and balance šŸ™‚

The beginning of September has brought a lot of mixed feelings as itĀ is international childhood cancer awareness month. It is so important to get the word out there that there needsĀ be more funding for childhood cancerĀ to improve treatments and lesson side effects, howeverĀ it also brings up those fears and feelings that you can normally push asideĀ to be able to face the daily battles.

Before this year, we really had no idea just what it was like to have a child with cancer. We have watched Kaden undergo countless procedures that no child should ever have to experience or even know about. Throughout this journey we have met many parents and children with all types of cancer, brain, kidney, bone, liver and many more. Cancer does not discriminate with age or race and as mentioned previously, treatment is extremely harsh on their little bodies and the side effects are frightening. New research and funding is urgently needed, please spread the word andĀ show your support for the fight against childhood cancer by signing the petition on www.thetruth365aus.org and displaying the yellow ribbon where you can.

