Yesterday Kaden went back into hospital early in the morning, and had a feeding tube put in, before returning home again in the afternoon. Naturally the K-man was not too pleased with having to get this done, however this is going to help him to gain some weight and give him all the good nutrients that he needs, before entering his next round of Chemo after Easter. The feeding tube will take a day or so before it softens up and becomes more comfortable for the wee man; but last night at home the little trooper was already getting used to it. Mum and Dad were doing a fantastic job in operating the feeding tube after receiving their crash course at the hospital. A great benefit of the feeding tube is that Kaden can now just eat when he feels like it, and that it can still feed him while he is asleep.
In around a weeks time it is expected that Kaden will be a different person, with more energy, and feeling a whole lot better. 🙂